Javier Madinabeitia

Videographer / Photographer

Javier Madinabeitia

Videographer / Photographer

Javier Madinabeitia

Videographer / Photographer

Javier Madinabeitia

Videographer / Photographer

Corporate Videos

Corporate Videos

Corporate videos play a crucial role in today's business landscape, serving as a powerful tool for communication, marketing, and brand building. As a videographer, understanding the nuances of corporate videos is essential for delivering impactful content that meets the needs and objectives of businesses. Here are some key points I might cover when discussing corporate videos.

Corporate videos play a crucial role in today's business landscape, serving as a powerful tool for communication, marketing, and brand building. As a videographer, understanding the nuances of corporate videos is essential for delivering impactful content that meets the needs and objectives of businesses. Here are some key points I might cover when discussing corporate videos.

Promo Video

30 second video promoting Shopping Centre in the North os Spain. The aim was to showcase the video in festivals through the summer to advertise what is coming in hospitality services and entertainment in the building.

High work

Enjoy some extreme window cleaning from Tower Bridge as our cool-headed contractors from LDT Contractors hang 42m above the Thames to give the bridge's famous glass floors a good scrub.

It's the first time the underside of the glass floors – now an essential photo opportunity for visitors to the attraction – have been cleaned since they were installed a decade ago.

Process filming

A video can show a firsthand glimpse into the challenges we faced, the solutions we devised, and the success along the way.

About us

An "About Us" video is more than just a glimpse behind the curtain – it's an invitation into the heart of a brand. It's a chance for businesses to showcase their personality, values, and the people who make it all happen.

Corporate plan

Promoting a corporate plan through video is a strategic approach to generate excitement, clarity, and buy-in among employees, investors, and partners.

Field to Fork

A "field to fork" video typically showcases the journey of food from its source to the consumer's plate, to promote an understanding of where our food comes from and how it's produced.